Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Technology in the Classroom: Promethean Boards

Hello everyone!

My name is Alyce. As a substitute teacher, I have subbed for many teachers in different schools and have seen many different methods of teaching curriculum. However, one thing I have noticed that seems to be consistent within all classrooms is technology; all the classrooms I have seen so far have at least one computer in the room. However, throughout my journeys in different classrooms, I must say that there seems to be one technological educational device that has impressed me and inspired me the most; this technological educational tool is called a "Promethean Board".
The Promethean Board (image cited from Teaching With Tech)

The Promethean Board, to put it simply, is like an interactive white board; it projects material from a computer onto a solid, blank board, and allows teachers and students to interact with the it by using "ActivPens" (ActivBoard). These pens do not use ink, and are instead used like a computer mouse by allowing teachers and students to navigate, write, draw, or actively be involved with the lesson through the use of this ActivPen (ActivBoard).

The Promethean Board has been known to enhance learning greatly. Studies have shown that the "...Promethean technologies led to sustainable improvement in student achievement." (Research). One study in particular was conducted by Dr. Robert Manzano, a "leading educational researcher", showed that with the use of this Promethean Board, student achievement improved by 16 percentile points (Research).

I have personally seen this Promethean Board be put to great academic use and enhance learning in a classroom that I observed this year. The Promethean board enhances education by:

1. Having students be constantly engaged with the teacher and actively participate in the lesson.
    Such active participation made it clear that the students were paying attention and were excited to learn the given content.

2. This educational tool allows for the teacher to engage with his or her students.
    This interactive board creates a learning environment where both the teacher and student are actively participating in lessons together. This is very important for enhancing learning as students need to know that their teachers are engaged with them and care about their success.

3. This Promethean Board offers creativity to be used in lessons and curriculum.
    Students need creative outlets in order to learn positively and not risk being uninterested in important material. This Promethean board allows for students to learn and be active in the classroom; it allows them to be creative by getting them out of their seats and actively participate in lessons and curriculum.

4. This tool allows teachers to reach the learning capacities of all students.
     Some students are auditory, visual, or hands on learners. This board allows for all types of learners to interact with the board and learn curriculum in a great, understandable way.
The Promethean Board being put in action: a student learning information in a lesson by using a Promethean Board (cited from the Ambler Elementary School website)
The advantages of this technological tool are amazing; students' educations benefit from this educational tool. Not only is this tool fun to use, but it has many benefits and advantages for the learning classroom environment. Such advantages are:

1. The Promethean Board is large.
    With classroom sizes being much bigger now a days, this large board would be beneficial for all students to be able to see material clearly and thus understand concepts and lessons accurately.

2. It allows for students to have a hands on experience in learning lesson content.
    This would benefit the student's education as well as teaching experience as it allows the teacher to provide content in new and exciting ways.

The cost of this technology depends on the size of the board, and ranges from $800 to $3,000. However, according to the teacher I observed who used this board, this technology is made very well and lasts without defaulting for many years. The money it costs to use it is well spent because it is durable, and it provides the learning experience of a lifetime for students and offers teachers a great way to teach and engage with their students.

A teacher engaging with her students by using a Promethean Board (image cited from Teacher Web).
For more information regarding the Promethean Board as a great educational tool, please visit the official Promethean Board website for classroom education and Promethean Planet.


 Ambler Elementary School. Image retrieved 4 May 2011 from

ActivBoard. Promethean Planet. Retrieved 4 May 2011, from Image retrieved 4 May 2011, from

Research. Promethean: Lightening the Flame of Learning. Retrieved 4 May 2011, from

Teaching with Tech. Image retrieved 4 May 2011, from


  1. Alyce,

    I really enjoyed reading your post about the Promethean Boards. I, too, have seen these classroom aides in action, and agree that they can be very powerful tools for teachers and students to enhance learning in every subject area. I have also seen teachers have them in their rooms without even touching them, leaving them to collect dust as the students no doubt envy their peers who use one on a regular basis. You made a good point by stating the cost of the board, because it ranges according to size. Also, it is good that you mentioned durability; these "boards" are not boards at all, but simple projector screens. The projector itself, usually located on the ceiling and well out of harm's way, is the fragile and expensive part of the system. Thanks for your post and I look forward to seeing more in the future.

  2. what do yall us for writing on your boards
